One of the oldest Berber Design, the pattern is inspired from tattoos of strong independent women of the 8th-9th century who once defended different Berber tribes in Morocco from enemies.
They once tattooed flowers, roses or sometimes points or dashes which describe peace, future, creativity and power.
The set comes with 12 plates (4 Small, 4 Medium, 4 Large) 4 Bowls & under bowls, 4 cups & under cups, 1 Tea Pot, 2 Salad bowls, 1 Serving Tagine, 1 Tureen.
The set comes with 24 plates (8 Small, 8 Medium, 8 Large) 8 Bowls & under bowls, 8 cups & under cups, 2 Tea Pots, 2 Salad bowls, 2 Serving Tagines, 1 Tureen.
The set comes with 36 plates (12 Small, 12 Medium, 12 Large) 12 Bowls & under bowls, 12 cups & under cups, 2 Tea Pots, 3 Salad bowls, 3 Serving Tagines, 1 cooking Tagines, 1 Tureen.